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  • 2019-12-15 13:54


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  If people asked me, do you really believe this? Do you have a very clear picture of the future, at that time? My answer would be, ‘no!’ I think it’s all about the vision. We think it will happen. If the world will go to the digital world, do we really believe that? We believe? What does ‘digital world’ mean? Which means data will be the energy of the new economy. Do you believe that? We believe that. If that’s the case, that brings us to the next question: How do you utilize that data? Then, cloud computing will become a utility, to computing the data, creating value from the data and growing the future business. 

  A real entrepreneur, they may identify some opportunities not only for today, but  also for tomorrow. Some people cannot see it or believe it today, but only the first-mover who sees this opportunity, then they go ahead and try new things and try to resolve the issues for tomorrow.


  But that isn’t enough. Every day, we can find many opportunities. And some small, some big. But I want to emphasize from my  real experiences, that when we look at all the opportunities, many of them are not true opportunities. But how do you prioritize this? How do you identify some real ones to do this? 


  Then, my experience tells me it’s not only about today’s opportunities. It’s about tomorrow. We don’t always have to look at today’s opportunities. And yes, this is good and what the market needs. If you can see it, many other people can see it. 


  在阿里巴巴早期展开阶段有一个例子,就是我们和eBay的竞争。2003年,eBay曾经进入了中国市场,他们实力很强,占领了90%的市场份额。我们认识到,当时所谓90%的份额其实依然很小。回到我讲的第一点——关于明天,明天的市场会十分之大,远比2003年的大。当时的eBay的确十分胜利,我们也做了许多调查研讨,地砖铺厚了的优缺点, 终发现,他们的商业方式很高效。当我们思索自己的商业方式时,必需另辟蹊径。



  The third general principle I learned from my life at Alibaba is how to trust young people. 

  In Alibaba’s history, we have a lot of very important moments. One of the moments we experienced about six years ago was mobile. And as I said, when mobile internet came, in about 2012 or 2013,外墙砖放线视频, all the people were discussing the mobile internet. And also, mobile-driven internet shopping. But how do you upgrade your business? We talked a lot, and suddenly, everyone realized the mobile transition would come a lot faster than anyone imagined. Overnight, the price of smartphones was reduced to under RMB1000. Everybody had a smartphone, everybody could get a very fast 4G connection, and the mobile internet changed the whole life of the customers. 

  First of all,贴瓷砖怎么可以不累腰, I find from my personal experience at Alibaba that innovation is always coming from looking for the opportunity for future society.




  At Alibaba, we have a very famous story about Alibaba Cloud. We started to invest a cloud business in 2009. At that time, few people believed in cloud. Even in the organization,2019急招贴瓷砖工人, in the Alibaba family, we had a lot of debate. Our first-class engineers and team leaders thought, why do we need a cloud? We have such a good buisnesss in wholesale, retail, Taobao, Tmall. Why do we need a cloud? But when the leadership team came together, what we discussed was ‘what about tomorrow?’ Yes, maybe today,贴瓷砖怎么可以不累腰, in 2009, it’s not the right time to have a big cloud business, but how about tomorrow. Then, we shared the vision that tomorrow, data will become the energy of the new economy. But how can you create value from the data. Then, we had a consensus that if we wanted to create value from data, we needed computing power. How to get the big computing power, but with efficient cost? Then, maybe the world needs cloud computing. 


  But at that time,乳胶漆和瓷砖阳角收口, Taobao, our leading platform, was still PC-driven. That was 2013. Then, we had a lot of trials. We tried to mobilize the best-in-class team, with a lot of Taobao experience, and do this upgrading. Finally, we realized that it wasn’t good. Because all of these people, even though they are very young, were very young at that time, were very experienced, they grew up together with Taobao in the previous 10 years, they still had a lot of legacies. Legacies of thoughts. They thought of things from the PC, oh because this a shopping journey, this is a consumer journey,卫生间瓷砖阳角, I have to define it like this. I need a search. I need a category tree, so people can find things like that, like people  used to on a PC.

  What does ‘the other way’ mean? It means eBay, actually, at that time, they are doing a bidding business. They are an auction business. Because this auction business is more like secondhand trading, people bidding on the site to get the best price, and they get the deal. But we realize there is a pain point there. In China, when we go to this area, if they are doing this bidding and what bidding means is no talk, only bid,刮腻子学徒多久能出师, only action – no conversation. But we believed, that in China, the Internet was a new thing. And online shopping is a new thing to most of the people at that time.  So, how can customers trade on the Internet without communication between buyers and sellers. It’s very dangerous. There was a lack of trust. So, how do you encourage people to communicate? How do you enable them to communicate, to facilitate the trading, became our thinking. So, that’s why, from the very beginning, we introduced live chatting, at that time,新手学贴瓷砖视频教程, PC live-chatting,贴砖视频, in the shopping process. Today, all the sellers on the platform, all the buyers…Here, many of the students, the participants are customers, or even our sellers, and you use this live-chatting tool not only as a communications tool. It’s more like a customer-service tool. 





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